
D4Science empowers a diverse array of research communities spanning various disciplines and research objectives. Through the Gateway as a Service, communities can co-create bespoke web portals that act as centralised access points to the wealth of D4Science services and resources, facilitating the seamless integration of data, tools, and collaborative features essential for addressing their specific research questions.

AGINFRAPlus Gateway
AGINFRAPlus Gateway

The AGINFRAplus Gateway is a powerful online platform that provides researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders in agriculture, food, and environmental science with access to advanced digital tools, services, and datasets. Hosted on the D4Science infrastructure, AGINFRAplus Gateway promotes open science by enabling data sharing, collaborative workflows, and innovative research methods across these critical domains. The platform offers resources for data analysis, data integration, and modeling to support evidence-based decision-making and enhance agricultural sustainability.

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ARIADNEPlus Gateway
ARIADNEPlus Gateway

The ARIADNEplus Project builds on the ARIADNE results, extending and supporting the research community that the previous project created and further developing the relationships with key stakeholders such as the most important European archaeological associations, researchers, heritage professionals, national heritage agencies and so on. The ARIADNEPlus Gateway helps the project to develop a data infrastructure embedded in a cloud that offer the availability of Virtual Research Environments where data-based archaeological research may be carried out.

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Blue-Cloud Gateway
Blue-Cloud Gateway

Blue-Cloud, a thematic EOSC cloud to better understand and manage the ocean sustainability, through a set of five compelling pilot Blue-Cloud demonstrators. It develops and deploys, the Pilot Blue Cloud as a cyber platform bringing together and providing access to: 1) multidisciplinary data from observations and models, 2) analytical tools, 3) computing facilities essential for key blue science use cases.

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D4GNA Gateway
D4GNA Gateway

D4GNA primarily hosts datasets related to archaeological research projects carried out under ministerial concession by the Italian Ministry (Articles 88-89 of Legislative Decree 42/2004, Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape) by universities, research institutions, and other institutional entities in Italy. However, it is also set up to receive and display datasets produced by Italian archaeological missions abroad.

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The D4Science gateway is your access point to a vibrant ecosystem supporting diverse scientific communities, from Earth and Marine Sciences to Social Sciences, Humanities, and Health Sciences. This gateway provides a central hub for researchers to discover specialised tools and services tailored to their fields, connect with colleagues for collaborative projects, and access valuable datasets and computing resources.

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DESIRA Gateway
DESIRA Gateway

DESIRA Gateway helps the project to develop the concept of Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems to advance understanding of the impact of digitisation in rural areas, linking analysis directly to the United Nation?s Sustainable Development Goals. DESIRA enrols agriculture, forestry and rural stakeholders in co-developing scenarios and policies in Living Labs established in 20 European Regions, and a Rural Digitisation Forum gathering 250 stakeholders from all Europe.

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EOSC IT Node Gateway
EOSC IT Node Gateway

The EOSC Italian Node gateway, currently under development, will serve as an access point to the Italian contribution to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) federation. This gateway will provide the Italian scientific community with seamless access to a rich ecosystem of services and resources, facilitating collaboration and advancing open science practices. By connecting to the broader EOSC framework, the Italian Node gateway will empower researchers to discover and utilise a diverse range of data, tools, and expertise across Europe.

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EOSC-Pillar Gateway
EOSC-Pillar Gateway

EOSC-Pillar gathers representatives of the fast-growing national initiatives for coordinating data infrastructures and services in Italy, France, Germany, Austria and Belgium. The project aims to propose the initiatives for the national coordination of data infrastructures and service recently started in many Member States as one of thefounding pillars for the development and long-term sustainability of the EOSC.

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The first interdomain digital architecture for integrated use of environmental data. This gateway is an access point to the rich world of FAIR-EASE via the user-friendly D4Science platform. If you already have an account, simply sign in using your existing credentials, including those in the EOSC AAI federation.

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FOSSR Gateway
FOSSR Gateway

FOSSR si impegna a creare un Open Science Cloud innovativo che permette la raccolta, gestione e analisi dei dati economici e sociali. L?Open Cloud di FOSSR permette di integrare diverse fonti di dati e offre strumenti avanzati per lavorare con tali dati in modo efficiente.

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GEMex Gateway
GEMex Gateway

This gateway is an access point to a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) deployed and operated in the context of GEMex EU-project (Cooperation in Geothermal energy research Europe-Mexico for development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems and Superhot Geothermal Systems) to support participants in data and information management and collaboration.

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HDN Gateway
HDN Gateway

Based on the Semantic Web standards for building digital libraries, the Hypermedia Dante Network (HDN) project aims to establish a collaborative environment for a commentary of Dante?s works, with due attention paid to issues of language, style and intertextuality. Using reliable primary sources, the HDN aims at creating a digital library that will cater to a broad range of sophisticated queries, thanks to the use of ontology-based resource descriptions that allow reusing knowledge about existing resources.

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I-GENE Gateway
I-GENE Gateway

The I-GENE (In-vivo Gene Editing by NanotransducErs) project pushes the boundaries of efficient and reliable ways to make precise, targeted changes to the genome of living cells that is the long-standing and main goal of gene therapy and biomedical researchers. The I-GENE Gateway and its VREs are a ready to use web-based working environments specifically conceived to provide the I-GENE worldwide community with the needed facilities (services, data, capacity), in line with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable) principles.

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iMarine Gateway
iMarine Gateway

This gateway is an access point to a number of Virtual Research Environments deployed and operated in the context of the past iMarine EU FP7 project to support the Ecosystem Approach to fisheries management and conservation of marine living resources.

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IRISCC Gateway
IRISCC Gateway

Integrated Research Infrastructure Services for Climate Change Risks Climate change presents a complex challenge, demanding a deep understanding of its impacts on human systems, natural environments, and production processes. IRISCC is a powerful consortium of leading European research infrastructures. Our collective goal is to empower society to address and strengthen resilience to climate change risks, ultimately fostering a more sustainable future for Europe

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ISTI Gateway
ISTI Gateway

The gateway provides the Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) team with an ecosystem of services and working environments to support their research activities. The Institute of Information Science and Technologies is an institute of the National Research Council of Italy. The primary objective of ISTI is to advance scientific knowledge and attain significant results in various subdomains of Computer Science.

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IT-SERR Gateway
IT-SERR Gateway

ITSERR (Italian Strengthening of the ESFRI RI RESILIENCE) is a interdisciplinary and distributed Research Infrastructure for Religious Studies, designed to support the existing national infrastructure and bring it to a higher level of maturity.

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ITINERIS establishes the Italian Hub of Research Infrastructures in the environmental sciences domain, focusing on the observation and study of environmental processes across the atmosphere, marine systems, terrestrial biosphere, and geosphere. It provides access to data and services while supporting the country in addressing current and emerging environmental challenges. The primary goal is to foster cross-disciplinary research in environmental sciences by leveraging and reusing existing or pre-operational data and services, alongside new observations.

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MOVING Gateway
MOVING Gateway

The MOVING Gateway provide its VREs with the capability of supporting collaborative activities to build up guidelines that support the design of public and private policy instruments that boost the resilience of mountainous areas and the provision of public and private goods. This VRE supports a multi-actor approach by inter-connecting the participants of the MOVING Community of Practice.

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NAVIGATOR project aims to boost 4P precision medicine in oncology by advancing translational research based on quantitative imaging and multi-omics analyses, towards a better understanding of cancer biology, cancer care, and, more generally, cancer risk. The project will deliver a technological solution relying on: an open imaging Biobank, collecting and preserving large amount of quality, standardised imaging data and related omics data in a secure and privacy-preserving model.

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OpenAIRE-Tools Gateway
OpenAIRE-Tools Gateway

OpenAIRE-Tools is a portal dedicated to OpenAIRE developers, the ones that have access to the development services both at CNR and at ICM.

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PARTHENOS is a H2020 EU Project (Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies). This gateway supports the project strengthening the cohesion of research in the broad sector of Linguistic Studies, Humanities, Cultural Heritage, History, Archaeology and related fields through a thematic cluster of European Research Infrastructures, integrating initiatives, e-infrastructures and other world-class infrastructures, and building bridges between different, although tightly, interrelated fields.

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PerformFISH Gateway
PerformFISH Gateway

PerformFISH Gateway serves the EC-funded PerformFISH project officially launched in Volvos, Greece, on 15-16 May 2017 with the aim of exploring and tackling the underlying causes behind the stagnation of the Mediterranean Marine Fish Farming (MMFF) sector. Over the next five years, PerformFISH will work to ensure sustainable growth of the Mediterranean aquaculture industry, based on consumer perceptions and real market requirements. It aims to support fish farms that operate not only in ideal economic and environmental conditions but also in a socially and culturally responsible manner.

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RISIS2 Gateway
RISIS2 Gateway

The H2020 RISIS2 Project is organised around 3 major dimensions and activities, namely (i) a front end, focusing on users, the ways they access RISIS, work within RISIS and build RISIS user communities. At the core is the RISIS Core facility (WP4). The core facility supports virtual transnational access (WP8) and is accompanied by all the efforts we do to raise awareness, train researchers and interact with them (WP2) and to help them build active user communities (mobilising D4Science VRE, WP7).

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SerGenCovid19 Gateway
SerGenCovid19 Gateway

Il CNR, il maggiore ente di ricerca italiano, ha deciso di realizzare lo studio SerGenCovid-19, una raccolta di dati clinici, sieri e materiale genetico su larga scala nella popolazione italiana, che si propone di conoscere meglio la risposta individuale al virus, cos� che si possano sviluppare protocolli mirati per la gestione dei pazienti affetti da Covid-19.

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SoBigData Gateway
SoBigData Gateway

SoBigData is an integrated ecosystem for ethic-sensitive scientific discoveries and advanced applications of social data mining on the various dimensions of social life. The aim of SoBigData is to establish the common vision and methodology at the basis of the Research Infrastructure activities. SoBigData establishes which is the nature of data science as a new discipline by enlightening which are the specific facets that make it at the same time interdisciplinary and unique when considering methods, theories and applications.

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TerritoriAperti Gateway
TerritoriAperti Gateway

Interdisciplinary information system of "Territori Aperti" (see for the prevention and management of natural disasters, as well as for the improvement of the processes of reconstruction and development of the affected areas. The system supports scientific research with the creation of new knowledge and skills through the management and enhancement of data and analytical processes.

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