SoBigData is an integrated ecosystem for ethic-sensitive scientific discoveries and advanced applications of social data mining on the various dimensions of social life. The aim of SoBigData is to establish the common vision and methodology at the basis of the Research Infrastructure activities. SoBigData establishes which is the nature of data science as a new discipline by enlightening which are the specific facets that make it at the same time interdisciplinary and unique when considering methods, theories and applications. Engagement is pursued through inviting prospect members of the community to specific workshops and conferences, putting together academia, industry and the public sector with the goal of exhibiting the key project results and collecting the requirements and feedback of these communities.

Virtual Research
SoBigData Catalogue

The SoBigData Resource Catalogue offers facilitated access to the e-infrastructure resources. It exposes social-oriented user interfaces…
SoBigData Exploratories

This Virtual Research Environments supports data scientists and provide them with a set of facilities and datasets aiming at describing…
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We are evolving, faster than expected, from a time when humans are coding algorithms and carry the responsibility of the resulting software…

This exploratory analyses the phenomenon of international migration with Big Data tools. We look at migration flows and stocks, migrant…

This Virtual Research Environments supports data scientists and provide them with a set of facilities and datasets for analysing…
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This exploratory tells stories about sports analytics. Sports data scientists describe performances by means of data, statistics and models…
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This Virtual Research Environment supports data scientists and provide them with a set of facilities and datasets on purchases in…
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Alpine Climate Data Challenge Context and Objectives The Alpine Climate Data Challenge is an international hackathon promoted by Open Data…

The e-Learning Area hosts training materials developed within the SoBigData project.

This Virtual Lab is dedicated to the hands-on Laboratory at the Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24) on 20-21…

The technologies of mobile communications pervade our society and wireless networks sense the movement of people, generating large volumes…

On-the-fly knowledge network construction from biomedical literature The huge amount of biological literature, which daily increases,…
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This VRE is conceived for the analysis of Open Science Graphs with Big Data tools from complex networks to descriptive statics, machine…

Ambiente a supporto del corso "Il Pensiero Computazionale - Aspetti di base e applicazioni dell'informatica" una proposta per i docenti…
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This environment will support the Privacy Risk Assessment in Mobility Applications Seminar, a seminar organised in the context of the 25th…

SMAPH is an environment allowing the exploitation of an entity annotation system specific for web queries and very short text (like…
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The third edition of the ?AI & Society Summer School?, organized by the Italian National PHD program in Artificial Intelligence,…

A Hands-on Tutorial showing the services provided by SoBigData Research Infrastructure or the new generation of Responsible data science…

Data Science and AI play an increasingly important role in our daily life. AI, with its applications, are essential tools for the ethical…

The 2024 edition of the SoBigData summer school will focus on how data can be used for social good, and this topic will be explored around…

A place where the user can develop an algorithms in an interactive python notebook, integrating an algorithm (written in any programming…
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This VRE allow access to a special version of the SoBigData Lab with more dedicated resources for selected experiments and some service…

This working environment is conceived to support the activities of the Critical Data Literacy task.

TagMe is a powerful tool that identifies on-the-fly meaningful substrings (called "spots") in an unstructured text and link each of them to…
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XAISS aims to cover some of the most important topics in explainable AI (e.g. post-hoc interpretability in ML, interpretable representation…
SoBigData Communities Management

This environment is for supporting the operation of the SoBigData-PlusPlus WP9 including the editing of HPC Portal Available Resources.
SoBigData proposes to create the Social Mining & Big Data Ecosystem: a research infrastructure (RI) providing an integrated ecosystem for…
This VRE is dedicated to support the activity of the PNRR Project initiative in Italy. It contributes to the larger European…