The ARIADNEplus Project builds on the ARIADNE results, extending and supporting the research community that the previous project created and further developing the relationships with key stakeholders such as the most important European archaeological associations, researchers, heritage professionals, national heritage agencies and so on. The ARIADNEPlus Gateway helps the project to develop a data infrastructure embedded in a cloud that offer the availability of Virtual Research Environments where data-based archaeological research may be carried out. The project will furthermore develop a Linked Data approach to data discovery, making available to users innovative services, such as visualization, annotation, text mining and geo-temporal data management. Innovative pilots will be developed to test and demonstrate the innovation potential of the ARIADNEplus approach.

Virtual Research

Nel corso dei millenni il Mar Mediterraneo ha rappresentato un crocevia di civilt� e scambi commerciali che hanno lasciato tracce ed…
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The goal of the VRE is to have a place where only some of the project partner can discuss in a controlled environment about data…

ARIADNEPlus Lab VRE is the laboratory supporting developers, researchers, data managers, and data analysts belonging to the archaeological…
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This Virtual Research Environment is conceived to be the working environment supporting the metadata mappings in the ARIADNEplus project.

This Virtual Research Environment is conceived to be the working environment supporting cooperation and collaboration among the ARIADNEplus…

D4GNA Gateway

This VRE offers services for the exploitation of temporal GIS technology to offer new methods of investigation and data presentation,…
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