Based on the Semantic Web standards for building digital libraries, the Hypermedia Dante Network (HDN) project aims to establish a collaborative environment for a commentary of Dante?s works, with due attention paid to issues of language, style and intertextuality. Using reliable primary sources, the HDN aims at creating a digital library that will cater to a broad range of sophisticated queries, thanks to the use of ontology-based resource descriptions that allow reusing knowledge about existing resources. Indeed, ontologies are efficient means to represent scholarly knowledge about literary texts by using Semantic Web languages such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF). Primarily intended for scholarly use, the HDN will provide a digital tool that allows the users to access and explore the knowledge collected within the project. This tool will have a user friendly interface and it will be usable for educational purposes. To efficiently express knowledge about the authors cited or referred to in the text of Dante's works, the HDN digital library relies on previous, similar ontology-based applications such as DanteSources, which collects knowledge about Dante?s minor works.

Virtual Research
Hypermedia Dante Network

HDN-Lab VRE is conceived to support the Hypermedia Dante Network, an Italian National Research project (PRIN) funded by the Italian…