Blue-Cloud, a thematic EOSC cloud to better understand and manage the ocean sustainability, through a set of five compelling pilot Blue-Cloud demonstrators. It develops and deploys, the Pilot Blue Cloud as a cyber platform bringing together and providing access to: 1) multidisciplinary data from observations and models, 2) analytical tools, 3) computing facilities essential for key blue science use cases.

Virtual Research
BlueCloud Demonstrators

The Fisheries Atlas provides communities with a platform to develop and validate reliable services for fisheries related data. This VRE is…
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The GRSF PRE VLAB is used to validate new content in the GRSF Knowledge Base. The GRSF team has used this environment to validate new data…
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Marine Environmental Indicators Virtual Lab is the implementation of the Blue-Cloud project Demonstrator 3, providing services for…
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The demonstrator 'Plankton Genomics' is led by the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), in collaboration with the Flanders Marine…
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The Zoo-Phytoplankton EOV Vlab is the implementation of the Blue-Cloud Zoo-Phytoplankton EOV products demonstrator. It provides its users…
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This VLab provides a service to analyze the relative contribution of the drivers in phytoplankton dynamics in the Belgium part of the North…
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VLab to integrate coastal currents observations from HF radar, drifters and altimetry and run the MEDSLIK-II oil spill model.
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The primary purpose of the Ecosystem Workbench is to improve the availability, quality, and interoperability of large collections of…

This Workbench will implement a cloud-based workflow to generate harmonised, validated and customisable EOV data collections for…

The primary purpose of Global Fisheries Atlas is to provide an online environment with tools for end-users to discover and access data and…
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This VLAB will implement 3 Thematic Services (Transboundary Processes and Connectivity, Extreme Events, Ocean Glider) that will widely…
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This is the development-oriented Virtual Research Environment supporting the Marine Environmental Indicators VLab.

This Workbench will implement a cloud-based workflow to generate harmonised, validated and customisable EOV data collections for…

Welcome to Blue-Cloud one-stop-shop, where scientists can contribute, find, try, and use Blue-Cloud methods as integrated into the…
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This VLab is specifically designed to for training events related to the Blue-Cloud 2026 HEU Project
Blue-Cloud Project Consortiums & Synergies

The Virtual Research Environment supporting the Code Blue Hackathon by providing a dedicated virtual space allowing researchers and…

Blue-Cloud 2026 further integrates and grows the recognised pilot Blue-Cloud ecosystem into EOSC, providing researchers access to…
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The Blue-Cloud Project environment is designed to support the Blue-Cloud project activities and discussions. It is equipped with the…

The marine restoration thematic lab aims to improve the development, implementation, and monitoring of marine restoration projects by…

This initiative will facilitate the advancement of collaborative efforts between EMODNet Physics services and the D4Science Infrastructure…

The JERICO CORE Virtual Lab is an element of the JERICO Coastal Oceans Resource Environment (JERICO CORE). JERICO CORE supports the…

This VLab is for the Joint Framework for Ocean Noise in the Atlantic Seas (JONAS) community. JONAS is an INTERREG Atlantic Area-funded…


This VLab provides users with online services including gridding, model/data intercomparison and data analysis and visualisation using the…

Starting from an ongoing effort undertaken by the EMBRC infrastructure, with the establishment of the European Marine Omics Biodiversity…
iMarine for maritime spatial planning

The Aquaculture Atlas Production System (AAPS) uses CLS provided software and the D4Science infrastructure to analyse EO (Copernicus and…
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