Single users leverage D4Science services like JupyterLab, RStudio, Galaxy, and the Cloud Computing Platform (CCP) to conduct their research. D4Science offers Single Sign-On (SSO) and federated authentication, allowing researchers to access the platform securely with existing institutional credentials.
As a single user, you can benefit from a range of features and capabilities:
- Interactive development environments: Use JupyterLab for notebooks, code, and data, customising the environment with specific capacities and software libraries. RStudio provides a robust IDE for R, with advanced code editing, debugging, and visualisation tools.
- Data analysis platforms: Utilize Galaxy for complex data analysis through a user-friendly interface, with automatic recording of analysis details to ensure reproducibility.
- Scalable computing resources: Access the Cloud Computing Platform (CCP) to perform large-scale data processing and analysis, dynamically allocating resources as needed and taking advantage of high-performance computing capabilities. The CCP also generates provenance information, ensuring the reproducibility and transparency of research.
- Secure and seamless access: Log in once with your institutional credentials to access all D4Science applications and resources you are authorised to use.
- Personalised workspaces: Organize your research materials in the Workspace service, storing and managing your data, software code, and documents. The Workspace also supports file versioning and metadata management.
- Data management: Store and access data using StorageHub, a secure and scalable storage solution integrated with D4Science services. StorageHub ensures data integrity and accessibility.
- Data publication and discovery: Publish your methods, notebooks or code via the D4Science Catalogue and publish spatial data using GeoNetwork, making your research outputs easily discoverable.
- Open science: Follow open science practices in your work by ensuring the reproducibility of your research through features like provenance tracking.
- Flexibility: Choose the most suitable tools for your research and customise your environment as needed for different kinds of analyses.