As-a-Community |
Description | You need to manage a community for a medium/long period and you want to offer members an integrated storage and computational platform for the execution of daily tasks. You may exploit any of the available capabilities and you may add your specific applications and data. Data and applications are kept private to your community and confidentiality and security are guaranteed by encryption. |
Reserved Resources | A minimum equivalent Amazon m3.xlarge – 15 GiB of memory, 13 EC2 Compute Units (4 virtual cores with 3.25 EC2 Compute Units each), EBS storage only, 64-bit platform - is assigned to the community. According to the applications selected in the Application Bundles that have to be offered to the community, the minimum configuration can grow up to 2 m3.2xlarge – 30 GiB of memory, 26 EC2 Compute Units (8 virtual cores with 3.25 EC2 Compute Units each), EBS storage only, 64-bit platform – resources that are reserved to the community. Additional resources can be assigned on-demand to scale up distributed computations and up to the negotiated quota as established in the negotiated phase between the Community Manager and the iMarine Infrastructure Manager. |
Resources Highlights | Your data is kept private until you or any other authorized user shares it with either other users of the newly created applications or with the wider community. Only the members of the community use the computational resources assigned to it and the data is moved and stored according to an encryption key that is specific to the community. |
How | Contact D4Science through the contact-point and report the description of the community, the average number of users, the scientific applications you wish to host in D4Science, and any additional information useful for a proper analysis of your request. |
Type of engagement | You manage a medium/large set of users focusing on many scientific topics ranging from the analysis of statistical and biodiversity data to the management of geo-referenced data. The community needs a common infrastructure to store, maintain, and process data through the creation of focused applications (VREs), each of which is focusing on a specific scientific goal. |
Cost | Negotiated. It depends on the QoS and the number of users of the community. |